Erhalte in einem kompakten Web-Seminar alle Informationen über den spannenden Investitionsstandort Nordzypern.
Exklusive Einblicke mit Martin Reh, dem CEO der Wirtschaftsberatung Lebwoduwillst und dem Nordzypern Experten Torsten Huneke. Dauer: ca. 60 Minuten
In diesem Web-Seminar erfährst du aus erster Hand, warum Nordzypern:
ein boomender und „noch unterbewerteter“ Investitionsstandort ist.
welche Regionen sich für eine Investition eignen.
welche Fallstricken es für deutsche Investoren gibt.
warum sich Nordzypern auch als Steuerparadies eignet.
Wie du an eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung und ein Bankkonto kommst
Informiere dich in nur 60 Minuten darüber, wie auch du vom Nordzypern Boom profitieren kannst.
Who is Martin Reh
As an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in German bureaucracy, mandatory regulations and tax madness, Martin and his team of experienced international lawyers, tax consultants and location experts support a demanding clientele with intelligent, competent and individual concepts on their way to tax-optimized and bureaucratic poorer solutions. And to more lightness and joy in life.
Letterbox companies are not simply founded somewhere in the world or indiscriminately acquired residences.
Every company that is founded, regardless of the location, always has a clear “business purpose”.
Martin is an entrepreneur and investor with various companies of his own at various international locations.
As a committed family man and through his many years of voluntary work in various educational institutions, Martin also knows the special challenges associated with moving away.
All proposed solutions are based on decades of personal experience and are individually adapted to the needs of the client.
Martin's personal vision of life includes "self-determined work and life as a self-employed person, entrepreneur or high performer in the places where we really like it, to do what we really love!"