In this free web seminar, you will learn personally from multi-entrepreneur Martin Reh,
wie er für sich die 4 F – Strategie entwickelt und angewendet hat und damit viele seiner Mandanten erfolgreich dabei unterstützt, als Unternehmer, Selbständige oder Leistungsträger erfolgreich aus Hochsteuerländern wie Deutschland und Österreich auszuwandern, um dadurch
ortsunabhängig zu arbeiten und zu leben
paying no or only little taxes
to experience more ease through less bureaucracy
having more time for family and partnership
to enjoy life in all its facets
Only a few web seminar places left!
You are annoyed by way too much taxes?
Du trägst Dich seit Jahren mit Gedanken ans Auswandern?
You are suffocating in bureaucracy and formalism?
Du arbeitest zu viel und wünschst Dir mehr Freizeit für Dich?
Du wünschst Dir mehr Leichtigkeit, mehr Freude und Spass in Deinem täglichen Tun?
Du willst mehr Zeit mit Deiner Familie, mit Deinen Liebsten verbringen?
Du spürst, wie Deine Gesundheit unter einem Dauerstress leidet?
Du bist genervt von langen, dunklen Monaten im Dauergrau?
Who is Martin Reh
As an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in German bureaucracy, mandatory regulations and tax madness, Martin and his team of experienced international lawyers, tax consultants and location experts support a demanding clientele with intelligent, competent and individual concepts on their way to tax-optimized and bureaucratic poorer solutions. And to more lightness and joy in life.
Letterbox companies are not simply founded somewhere in the world or indiscriminately acquired residences.
Every company that is founded, regardless of the location, always has a clear “business purpose”.
Martin is an entrepreneur and investor with various companies of his own at various international locations.
As a committed family man and through his many years of voluntary work in various educational institutions, Martin also knows the special challenges associated with moving away.
All proposed solutions are based on decades of personal experience and are individually adapted to the needs of the client.
Martin's personal vision of life includes "self-determined work and life as a self-employed person, entrepreneur or high performer in the places where we really like it, to do what we really love!"

This web seminar is suitable for you if you are future
want to pay little or no more taxes
want to experience a lot less bureaucracy and constriction in your life
really want to change something in your life as an entrepreneur, self-employed person or top performer
want to spend more time with your family and loved ones
if you want to live the potential that is in you.
Dieses Web-Seminar und die 4F – Strategie ist für dich gedacht, wenn du als Unternehmer, Selbstständiger oder Leistungsträger deinen persönlichen Lebensraum endlich umsetzen willst.
Reserve your FREE spot now!
This webinar is NOT for you if you continue
Want to serve as the nation's cash cow
You want to be bullied by politicians, bureaucrats and other system beneficiaries
Want to live your daily life in frustration and disappointment
You want to continue to sit in the permanent gray
A web seminar is an online conference that you can dial into anonymously. It's like a live event with me, just online, from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is watch.
By the way: Only I speak in the web seminar. So you are neither visible nor do you have to say anything. You are just a silent and anonymous listener.
After you have registered for your desired date, you will receive the access link to the web seminar by e-mail.
Participation in the web seminar is completely free of charge for you! But not for nothing
I promise I will not sell you any course, product or coaching.
In meinen Web-Seminaren präsentiere ich Dir meine persönliche 4 F – Strategie und erkläre Dir, wie ich und viele meiner Mandanten damit ein Leben in völliger Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung als Unternehmer, Selbständige oder Leistungsträger erfahren haben.
Ich erkläre Dir alle wirklich relevanten Zusammenhänge, die Du wissen musst, wenn Du in Zukunft ein befreites, glückliches und erfolgreiches Leben als Unternehmer, Selbständiger oder Leistungsträger führen möchtest.